The perfect jack-off fuck slut. Her constant eye contact is a perfect cum instruction
Lollypop Gcup - Lollypop GCup's Dirty Ride
Lollypop GCup's Dirty Ride
Lollypop GCup is wearing a dress designed for hot babes who want maximum boobage exposure. She's eager to show off her sexy rack to Mr. James Angel, her date for the evening. Every head in the restaurant will wobble like a bobble head when Lollypop struts into the place ... if Lollypop and her date ever leave the bedroom.
Lollypop's dress allows easy access to her big tits without having to take it off. She and James take advantage of this special feature, and they both lick and suck on her sensitive nipples. They should let the restaurant know that they'll be late because they'll be fucking… Read More »
User Comments
Hehe, the eternal conflict. Take a lovely beauty like Lolly out to dinner or just fuck all afternoon in bed? Hopefully there is enough energy for both, perhaps even a round before and after the meal. Regardless, Lolly looks as gorgeous as ever and I doubt anyone is leaving the encounter here unsatisfied.
Good lord this girl can fuck
always fun watching her
I'm hoping to see more more and more of her here on Score.
She's perfection 10/10
Lolly you are fabulous and delicious
She so loud it makes her even hotter
She looks like a lot of fun in bed. So sexy.
She never fails always gives 110%
Girl you are a 10
You are outta this world Lolly yummy
Good lord what a fuck!